Recommended Books and Links
Four Recent Reads That Mattered
Each book that appears in this list is (or will be) a book that has had a particularly positive effect on my spiritual life. The list will change over time. Each book is available through various booksellers.
J Curve
Paul Miller
This is the book I needed more than I knew. It reminded me that resurrection is always preceded by death, and “death" is the way of the cross. Jesus’ call for us to take up our cross and follow him is not new, but this book made it so powerfully clear and compelling. Miller is one of my favorite authors for a reason. Read this and you’ll see why.
Gentle and Lowly
Dane Ortlund
This book came out last year, and within a few months I’d found it and discovered what a balm it was to my hurting heart. It reminded me that Jesus loved me, but then told me how he loves me. If you are experiencing doubt or discouragement that doesn’t seem to lift, this book will be a great encouragement. You will be blessed.
Finding the Right Hills to Die On
Gavin Ortlund
It’s not often that two brothers write two powerful books in the same year, but the sons of Ray Ortlund (a favorite teacher of mine) have done it. This book is on “theological triage”—how do we “rank” doctrinal disagreements in importance. Given the divisive atmosphere in evangelical culture today, this was a good reminder and corrective. A well-done and helpful work.
Total Forgiveness
R. T. Kendall
This was a book I took a long time to read, and when I finished, I wasn’t sure if I agreed with everything in it, but the overall impact made me examine just how fully I forgive (or don’t). Seeing how holding on to offenses poisons the spirit, I am grateful for the challenge this book provided.
Eight Favorite Books of Lasting Value
This list will be much less changeable than the list above—these books have been ones I have enjoyed, gone back to, reread, and recommended over years. I may expand it, but doubt that these will disappear.
Knowing God
J. I. Packer
This book was a life-changing read in my student days, and I have continued to go back and re-read (and now re-listen) to Packer’s incredible unpacking of our God’s greatness and beauty. For the person who wants understand the incredible nature and work of our God, there is no better book to choose.
The Chronicles of Narnia
C. S. Lewis
OK, I’m giving Lewis another nod because his Chronicles of Narnia has been such a powerful influence in my thinking. It’s great for kids, but so much more. And I should mention Lewis’s Space Trilogy here, too—it’s great! Lewis’s fiction teaches but in the best ways—nothing feels forced.
Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis
Which of his books to put here? This one wins because I’ve used it the most to help others with deep questions about their faith. It has stood the test of time. But don’t forget “The Screwtape Letters,” “The Four Loves,” “The Great Divorce,” “The Problem of Pain,” and about a dozen others.
Pontius Pilate
Paul L. Maier
This was the first of Maier’s historical fiction works I read, and I’d recommend them all. He is an historian by profession and uses his wealth of biblical and historical material to paint a convincing portrait of one of the most pitiable characters in the New Testament. You can then read “The Flames of Rome” or “A Skeleton in God’s Closet.”
A Praying Life
Paul Miller
This is the best book on prayer that I’ve read—not for a theology of prayer, but to learn how to pray. It has had ongoing fruit in my life and introduced me to one of my favorite authors. I almost included another of his books, “A Loving Life” as well.
J. C. Ryle
This is a great book on this vital subject, and it’s written by a pastor whose life radiated the content. His suffering for the sake of Gospel fidelity makes it an even more compelling read—I highly recommend his biography as well and have a supply of his “Thoughts for Young Men” that I give out.
The Lord of the Rings
J. R. R. Tolkien
If you know, you know. If you don’t or don’t want to, that’s OK, too. This is a massive and massively good fantasy that is more revealing of the true world than many non-fiction attempts to explain it. For those who enjoy them, all the books are available in audio form, but I’d still read them.
The Discipline of Grace
Jerry Bridges
There are so many helpful works that I could have listed, but I chose this one because it brings together a number of the themes that Bridges has expounded so well in his works. This book helps us think about how grace works in us. Read this, then get another of his books, and another.
Websites, Blogs, and Links I Commend
Russell Moore
Russell Moore
Moore is Christianity Today’s Public Theologian and former head of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. He is also a prolific writer. I consider him one of the most important and reliable voices for evangelical thought today. This site has his writings and other media, and there is a LOT of it.
The Gospel Coalition
This site is home to a full range of resources for those who would identify with the coalition’s aims and goals. There are articles, archives, blogs, and a church directory for those looking for a fellowship that would be in harmony with the group.
Not Home Yet
Amy Medina
Amy and her husband, Gil were missionaries in Tanzania, and she now works in mission mobilization. Her writing is powerful and worth reading, encouraging me to think about whatever she is addressing, whether about missions, cross cultural living, or anything else.. I was Amy and Gil’s pastor, and am grateful to be their friend.
Albert Mohler
This site is what is looks to be—the connection point for the various articles, books, papers, and audio resources from the current president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Known for his incredible output and mind, everything here comes seeks to promote a Christian worldview.
Desiring God Ministries
John Piper and others
This ministry is the repository of the teaching ministry of John Piper and others who work with him in this ministry. Many of his books are there in free PDF form, and lots of other resources are there in various formats. There is so much here, you will want to bookmark the site.
World News Group
If you look for a news site that seeks to report accurately but offer evaluation from a Christian perspective, you will be glad to go here. There are written resources, including links for World—their flagship magazine, and The World and Everything In It—a thirty minute news roundup podcast with an NPR feel, but with a different perspective.
Pondered Treasures
Eva Burkholder
Eva and Mark are dear friends and fellow laborers, and Eva is a very gifted writer and Bible teacher. Her writings show a commitment to good study and a desire to bring the lessons home to her audience, often through sharing how they have “come home” for her.
This site is filled with biblical resources, including the NET Bible. This Bible gives users access to important insights into the text for study and makes this site worth visiting on its own. Fortunately, there is much more there for the reader to discover.